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Trade merchants are temporary sellers who offer exclusive products. They can convert seals gathered from missions to Lost Ark Gold rare items, craft recipes, collectibles, as well as new crew members for your vessel. Vendors move in and from your strengthhold, so make certain to visit your stronghold on a regular basis to see what's available.

After completing the "A verdant land" quest for your stronghold You'll be able to unlock a portal which will lead you to a resource farm on your stronghold. The island will produce the materials you can trade for skills to harvest every day, however there's one major restriction that you can't trade or sell the materials you've earned from the farm. They can only be used to craft. The island also produces unique materials that can be used to make chest bundles for your workshop. The items you create using these materials can trade with players.

Attaining the level 50 mark and completing the level 50 and completing the quest "Ealyn's request" located in northern Vern will open Chaos Dungeons and, by extension special missions for your station. Special missions are similar to normal station missions, except that they also give you loot at the end of the game and replace an endgame standard. For instance the Chaos Dungeon special mission will provide Chaos Dungeon loot when completed along with your normal station missions. Mission rewards. They count towards the daily limits for your endgame (Chaos Dungeon resonance Soul extractions from Guardian Raid and so on).

This feature is available within this version of cheapest Lost Ark Gold the KR version of Lost Ark and might not be included in the NA/EU version. This article will be updated once we know more details about this mechanism.

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