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The Northern Lawmaker skin exclusive for Lost Ark Gold those who purchase the Gold and Platinum Founder's Packs, which are priced at $49.99 and $99.99, respectively. The skin is available in three colors: red white, and black. The players won't be able to select the color they prefer and will be assigned one randomly upon opening their Founder's Pack.

If you purchase one of these bundles, it isn't enough to make the skin accessible in the game However, it is possible to unlock the skin. You'll need to complete the steps below to unlock the skin.

How do you get this Northern Lawmaker skin set in Lost Ark?

You can purchase The Founder's Pack.

Log in to the game and click on the box icon that has an arrow that points towards it.

The icon is located in the upper left corner of your screen.

Once you've clicked on the box, you'll be able to Buy Lost Ark Boosting view what you have in your Founder's Pack, press on Claim.

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