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What's fun regarding Madden -- the sole NFL approved video games franchise that's at Mut 22 coins 34 years old is that, despite its colossal popularity, you only hear is complaints about it.

The main criticism, repeated frequently, is that each year's version is only an incremental improvement over the previous. Since EA Sports has the exclusive license, it's only one company that can develop a "simulation-style" NFL game. It is a reason to believe that EA Sports is under no pressure to improve the game each year. In 2020, a viral campaign on Twitter urged the league to release EA as its partner- #NFLDropEA. But despite the social media furore that also included coordinated review bombing of this game's Metacritic pages, Madden 21 sales were at a record high. This year's Madden 22 did well, too, and the Madden series remains the top-selling sporting franchise of all time.

They are a minority of vocalists, but the job of a minority is to be extremely vocal. I'm talking about YouTubers who make their living by in streaming videos and playing a sport they claim to hate.

The variety of YouTubers' interests reveals just how large the game is these days. There are YouTubers like Belton who upload video of themselves playing as well as a plethora of users who upload tips and tricks. Then there are people who are dedicated to slamming on Madden.

Last fall, one channel called SOFTDRINKTV published a 14-minute clip entitled "The most awful Madden of All Time," then a week later by a video that lasted 19 minutes, titled "Madden NFL 22 isn't Good - Review." The channel returned to the same spot recently with one titled "Everything Wrong with Madden NFL 22 (in 16 minutes)." The narrative of this one begins memorably or even a bit dramatically: "This is the kind of game that causes you to want to stick the thumbtack into your eyes. If playing Madden 22, the blessing of life turns into buy Madden nfl 22 coins something of a curse. You'll no longer want to live. It creates existential dread."

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