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"We've definitely gotten a lot closer to Mut 22 coins each other than when she first arrived. She was shy at first but now I as well as her joke around. We've become friends in the courts," Madden said. "My sophomore year, we did not have any (knockdown) shooter and the only way they stopped us was cover me in the post. This was how we lost semi-state. Being able to get Maci out there helps a lot."

"It provides us with an inside-out punch" Bales said. "Her speed is phenomenal ... she's seen the floor extremely well, and she's very unselfish."

They put their bodies in danger to help the team. She's tough, takes charge she chases loose balls, competes for rebounds , and plays hard defense. All of this often leaves her with an "daily" dosage of bruises and bumps According to Bales.

Madden stated that she's a beneficial asset to have on Blue River's side . However, she acknowledged that it's tough to practice against Loveless. However, she does make the team tougher and this, along with her experience should aid the Vikings remain successful in the postseason.

"Her enthusiasm is what we require. Everyone feeds off of her. What is she does just inspires us all the way," Bales said. "Last year she was on the bench. She only played half of the game. She was exactly the same kind of player, but she was not as well-organized ... her game is now more (in control) and she isn't turning it over."

Blue River has stumbled some during the first few weeks of the season. losing its opening game against Waldron (7-0) as well as falling 50-49 when it played at home against Blackford on Nov. 27. Madden states that it's due to buy Madden 22 coins the difficulty of adjusting to new players who have new roles, however Wapahani was the team's best offensive effort thus far.

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