Some people who believe that classic+ will cost too much are wrong. One commenter stated that it could cost hundreds, or even millions. Do you smoke? They have a stable platform that WOW TBC Gold is suitable for traditional. The vanilla WoW version already includes a wealth of content. The addition of a new zone, class changes, world boss, etc. won't cost thousands of dollars. Classic WoW was a huge economic success for Blizzard. Just look at the numbers on Twitch, and the huge server problems at the time of launch. Seasons of mastery won't attract a lot of new players to WoW. Classic+ is a great option. The classic school continues to be used by new players. Even though it's an older game it's not a place where players feel like they're being squandered.
Yeah it's definitely not hundreds of millions in classic+. Simply tier sets for off meta specs would be sufficient. It's not hard to add new items to bosses. A new raid is higher in cost, but one I'd like to be a part of. I'll always be doubtful about the possibility of a new raid, but I'm reasonably hopeful about new tier sets in the coming seasons.
It's important to keep in mind that we don't have all of the changes that are coming and that there's going be very minor for the first season. They keep pushing the limits each season, and I'm sure. Perhaps this season won't be enough for you. For me, it's. But, I want to see more changes in the metagame and PVP system.
Word, it's unfortunate that activision isn't a goldmine. However, it seems that they didn't capitalize on it because of a. J allen brack doesnt care much about traditional b. Their developers are ashamed of the fact that retail is more expensive than vanilla, but they push their sloppy strategies to prevent losing their jobs. Bobby is in need of yachts since they're not equipped with enough the gms needed to monitor a real world.
I think that most people want an old-fashioned plus. It seems that most people think activision has the right people and capabilities to make the classic plus. And i dont see Activision investing 100s of millions of dollars to create an iconic plus. This means that anything beyond vanilla was a wasted effort. I dont see management making the L, and admitting they aren't able to make a decent mmo. They would have hired Kevin Jordan If they were smart.
Since everyone has a myriad of issues and is seeking to make changes, SOM is strange. It is the same type of discussion which led to wow's demise (noobs needing dualspec, the elimination of grinding and faster game leveling). We cant keep catering to those who wish to play the game more than they want to, and neither can we count on cheap WOW TBC Classic Gold activision that don't understand the meaning of mmos. They need to hire better developers and eliminate ion.