To be clear, this isn't occurring in the live version of the Wow gold classic match but on its public test servers. It is here that Blizzard evaluations upcoming modifications to the game, like the upcoming level cap squish (max level players will now only be level 50, with the new level cap being 60 when Shadowlands releases) and the overhauled new participant experience. Butsometime later this fall, this event will start on live servers--and if it's anything like what's happening now, it'll be a bloodbath.
I'm not exactly sure when the event is working as planned. At the moment, Stormwind is completely overrun with ghouls which are rampaging through the streets and slaughtering everything that goes. The auction house, sellers, and even the lender are unusable--that might be frustrating for players that, when the event is actually live, are only trying to go about their day to day company.
Over on the WoW subreddit, players also have found ways to attract the zombie infestation outside of capital cities, making entire areas of Azeroth uninhabitable.
Fortunately, WoW sport developer Jeremy Feasel confirmed the zombie invasion portion of the event is only going to be active for a few hours throughout the day instead of all the time. I am actually a little disappointed with that, frankly, because I think it'd be fun to find an all-out, 24/7 invasion which gamers have to attempt to contain--something similar to World of Warcraft's notorious Corrupted Blood event.
Players can also venture to the frigid wastes of Northrend to battle bosses and make powerful loot, and there is also a new narrative quest to test out.
If you're a WoW subscriber, you can check all this out now by following these steps to get the public test server. Otherwise, you can wait till the event inevitably starts sometime in the coming months.
Since publishing our initial story, YouTuber and Reddit consumer'KokushiGG' has posted a new video showing off Ray Traced Shadows from the new zones in the growth. You'll discover down the video below. As with yesterday's screenshots, we can see the difference in Shadows is quite minimal with buy wow classic gold all the new feature enabled. Enabling Ray Traced Shadows, however, will seem to greatly impact operation with FPS dropping from 120FPS to 60FPS in some cases.