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In recent years, the environmental impact of packaging has become a significant concern. With the rise of online shopping and e-commerce, the amount of packaging waste generated has increased dramatically. This has led to a growing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable packaging solutions.

Fortunately, many businesses and individuals are taking steps to reduce their environmental footprint by embracing plastic-free and recyclable packaging options. One such individual is the subject of this article, who has recently made changes to their packaging to be plastic-free.

Mailers and Envelopes

The first step in the quest for sustainable packaging is finding the right mailers and envelopes. The article's subject recommends EcoEnclose.com, a company that offers a wide range of eco-friendly packaging solutions. They offer rigid mailers made from 100% recycled materials that are highly durable and recyclable.

For smaller items like stickers, the subject uses 100% recycled envelopes from Envelopes.com. While they are still researching more eco-conscious options, these envelopes are a step in the right direction.


Shipping Labels and Stickers

Shipping labels and stickers are another important aspect of packaging. The article recommends using recyclable shipping labels from EcoEnclose, which have a backing paper that can be recycled curbside. Additionally, the subject has found a clever hack by printing labels on recycled paper and cutting them into stickers for their packaging.

Moving Away from Plastic

One of the main focuses of the article is the subject's decision to go plastic-free with their packaging. After conducting research and considering various options, they ultimately decided against using biodegradable, compostable, or recycled plastic sleeves.

Instead, the subject chose to use glazine sleeves, which are made from compressed paper and are recyclable. While the manufacturing process is intensive and uses virgin paper, the subject felt it was a better option than contributing to plastic waste.

Recycled Paper Sleeves

For domestic orders, the subject opted for brown paper sleeves made from at least 40% post-consumer recycled materials. These sleeves not only protect the items during shipping but also provide an opportunity for creative packaging designs using stamps or custom tape.

Educating Customers

One of the challenges of using eco-friendly packaging is ensuring that customers understand how to properly dispose of or recycle the materials. To address this, the subject created informative cards to include with every order, explaining the packaging and how to recycle it.

These cards were printed on recycled paper made from scraps of old t-shirts by a company called Moo.com. The subject hopes these cards will encourage customers to recycle and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Eco-Friendly Clothing Packaging

For those interested in exploring eco-friendly packaging solutions for clothing and garments, Otara Pack offers a wide range of sustainable options. From recycled and compostable mailers to biodegradable poly bags, their collection caters to businesses seeking to reduce their environmental impact.

The quest for sustainable packaging is an ongoing journey, but with dedication and innovation, it is possible to minimize our environmental footprint. By embracing eco-friendly solutions and educating customers, we can work towards a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

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