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We had the opportunity to meet Blizzard chief design Jeff Kaplan during E3 to discuss the Burning Crusade expansion for WoW cataclysm Gold. We discussed the brand new Draenei Alliance race announcement and described the new skill of jewel-crafting during the E3 news and preview coverage, however we decided to create this Q&A to provide additional interesting details that Kaplan disclosed regarding the new expansion.

MMOexp: Hey! these Draenei aren't all that ugly.

Many thought that we'd offer an Alliance the appearance of a race because we offered the Horde an amazing race, called the Blood Elves. We never had the intention to destroy this Alliance race. We are determined to make to see the Draenei to look as awesome as other race. If we face any kind of balance issue The solution is likely to be more than having one race that is excellent and one race a disaster.

Did you consider different races in the Alliance before you decided on Draenei?

Yes. We actually considered different races for Horde and Alliance as well. In both Horde and Alliance we considered and debated every single sentient creature that is on the screen. Concept art, you name it we've discussed it.

The Draenei classes include warriors priest, paladin, hunter, mage and.

Could you provide an example of a race that was discussed?

We discussed Goblins and the race. We debated the issue on behalf of the two sides, Horde or Alliance. We presented arguments as to how cool they could be both ways.

It's the Burning Crusade will open up the new Outlands region that isn't component of Azeroth. What will players do to get to the Outlands?

You'll be traveling across the Dark Portal that's located situated in the Blasted Lands. At one point, the Blasted Lands as well as the Swamp of Sorrows were one zone, known as the Black Morass during the buy WoW cataclysm Gold era. The moment Medivh opened up his Dark Portal, it caused the formation of a massive crater and also opened up the realm to Hellfire Peninsula. In time, as the expansion matures it will be possible to connect onto one of the major cities. If your warlock has a companion and two other friends who are also warlocks, they'll be able to summon you. We're not going to compel players to walk through the portal each time.

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